Support Support

For any technical support, please visit our Application Notes and Product Update webpages first. If you're still not able to find an answer, please send your E-Mail with the email address to Inscape Data's technical team and include all the details of your product and technical questions. Our technical support will review and respond to your support request emails during the business hours, i.e., from Monday to Friday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Pacific Standard Time as well as after business hours. In case you send your e-mails after the business hours, please indicate the urgency level of the matter in the Subject line and we will respond to your emails in a timely manner.

We suggest you take the following steps to obtain the quickest and highest-quality support:

Step 1: Check Guides: Refer to the User's Guide or Quick Install Guide included with the product.
Step 2: Visit Online Resources: Visit our Application Notes and Product Updates webpages for answers.
Step 3: Contact Support: If unresolved, email our technical team at with product details.
Step 4: RMA Requests

  • For purchases from distributors, resellers, or third-party stores (e.g., Amazon, Newegg), contact them directly for RMA authorization.
  • For direct purchases from our online store, please click here to complete your RMA request here.

Support Links

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San Jose, CA 95131 USA
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